Invigorate definition

Invigorate definition

Invigorate definition implies a change; to energize, liven up, ginger up or to rejuvenate.
Some practical words used to describe Invigorate definition and to emphasize the word Invigorate are:

  amp (up), brace, enliven, fillip, fire, animate, jazz (up), juice up, jump-start, liven (up), pep (up), quicken, spike, stimulate, vitalize, vivify, zip(up). – MWD.

Invigorate definition
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Other useful words used to describe Invigorate definition are:

Invigorate definition = refresh, stimulate, brace, strengthen, animate, exhilarate, fortify, quicken, enliven, perk up, freshen (up), energize, revitalize, galvanize, liven up, pep up, buck up, put new heart into, nerve.

Invigorate definition meaning is about a healthy state of life, living, and vitality.

Invigorate definition in everyday life as found in nature, e.g. plants and flowers is a good example for analogy on how humans and other living things can be energized, strengthened, rejuvenated, perked up and vitalized.

Flowers and plants change in their physical appearance when they are not doing well or not healthy, it may also be due to lack of water, soil nutrition, warmth, sunlight, or the imbalance of them.

Too much water or too much heat from sunlight or improper soil chemicals leads to the plant suffering and not doing as well as it could be. It is the visible appearance of the plant or the flower that has the tell-tale story to the observer that has practical knowledge and experience of those particular plants and flowers. So what can be done about it?

Use water as a drink to Invigorate definition.

A plant that is living in a pot with only 2-3 liters of soil can very quickly dry out if the owner/caretaker has forgotten to water the plant, or forgotten to put it outside when it is raining during the summer season. It needs a drink of water, preferably natural rainwater from a clean environment.

Depending on the region, in most places of the world plants do much better outside during the summer season, than they would indoors (obviously) as long as they have a protective area where the green plant-eating mammals won’t get to them and eat them up in a hurry.

Nutritious soil is a rich source of food to Invigorate definition.

Invigorate definition In particular with pot plants the soil will be depleted of nutrients over time, and as the plant grows it needs to have a bigger pot that has a larger soil capacity.  As the re-potting process is being done, usually the old soil is gently removed as much as possible that particular plant will tolerate, and extra compost rich fertile soil or potting mixture is used to take up the extra space of the new larger container of the grown plant. For more info See: How to plant
Energy from the sun being used to Invigorate definition.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert energy for their use from the sun. It is the process Photosynthesis that allows plants to create organic molecules that they use as fuel.
The process is described as; molecules of chlorophyll contained in the chloroplasts absorb energy in the form of light from the sun. Not all plants are equal, some plants need more sunlight than others, but they all need some.

The process is different to humans and animals; instead of taking in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide as humans and animals do, plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that humans and animals exhale. Plants absorb water from the ground up through their roots.

Movement and Exercise to Invigorate definition.

Movement and exercise are important for plants flowers and for humans and animals.  Humans and animals need direct movement, they participate in the exercise of movement, and it is good for all of the eleven organ systems of the human anatomy. The digestive system relies on movement as the food is being processed and as it moves along the digestive tract from the stomach to the small intestine, to the large intestine, and to the other end and beyond.

Movement indirectly.

Trees, plants, and flowers also rely on the movement of the wind to pollinate their next growing season, clouds to rain, water to flow and to water the roots underground. Because trees, plants, and flowers are earthbound by their root system they are not able to move about freely once they are rooted down.  See more info here: When to plant

Trees, plants, and flowers do move freely in their pre-plant seed stage, animals feed on their fruits and carry their seeds freely anywhere, winds blow and carry light seeds like the dandelion flower heads with hundreds if light made to fly florets. Another plant, weed and flower seeds are designed to attach themselves to the fur of animals as they travel freely randomly that way.

Movement and travel are very important, rains storms also produce streams that drizzle into creeks and rivers, which flow into lakes and to the wider seas. Seeds from flowers, plants, trees weeds freely travel with the currents of the waters wherever they flow.

Invigorate definition is all about getting fired up and jazzed up about a potential happy healthy sustainable lifestyle, making the right decisions.  It is about personal values, making decisions towards a healthy mind, spirit, and body.  It does take personal effort, commitment, determination, and will power to study and to know what is the meaning of being healthy long term.

For more information on Healthy Eye Vision click here. Also for more Healthy foods click on the link below.  Carotenoids.

Seeing believing

Seeing believing, and that the planet Earth is a beautiful place.

Seeing believing that there are light and many bright colors, forms, textures, contrasts, distances, and space on the face of this planet.  It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without the gift of healthy eyesight, living without the visual effect of bright light and different tones of colors.  There are the primary colors of the visible rainbow that give the natural tone to the outside natural environment.  Seeing believing when you take the time to look closely at the natural environment of plants and flowers, birds and insects, fish and mammals of the planet earth.


Seeing is believing
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Seeing is believing in plants and flowers.

The primary set of colors that are combined to make a useful range of colors are; red, green and blue.    Human color vision is said to be Trichromatic.  Learn more about the importance of healthy eye vision from this link.

Red is the color of a strawberry.

Seeing is believng
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 Color vision is the ability of an organism or machine to distinguish objects based on the wavelengths (or frequencies) of the light they reflect, emit, or transmit. Colors can be measured and quantified in various ways; indeed, a human’s perception of colors is a subjective process whereby the brain responds to the stimuli that are produced when incoming light reacts with the several types of cone photoreceptor ‘s in the eye. In essence, different people may see the same illuminated object or light source in different ways. -Wikipedia.

Green is the color of grass and plants.

Seeing is believng
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Blue is the color of a Bilberry.

Seeing is believing
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Seeing believing is a fantastic way to live a healthy life.