Tag Archives: Pray for Ukraine President Zelensky 2022

Pray for Ukraine President Zelensky 2022

Pray for Ukraine President Zelensky 2022. Sourced from Wikipedia. “Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy was born to Jewish parents on 25 January 1978 in Kryvyi Rih, then in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.”

His father, Oleksandr Zelenskyy, is a professor and computer scientist and the head of the Department of Cybernetics and Computing Hardware at the Kryvyi Rih State University of Economics and Technology; his mother, Rymma Zelenska, used to work as an engineer.

“His grandfather, Semyon (Simon) Ivanovych Zelenskyy, served as Infantry reaching the rank of Colonel in the Red Army (in the 57th Guards Motor Rifle Division) during World War II; Semyon’s father and three brothers were murdered in the Holocaust.”

Prior to starting elementary school, Zelenskyy lived for four years in the Mongolian city of Erdenet, where his father worked. Zelenskyy grew up speaking Russian. At the age of 16, he passed the Test of English as a Foreign Language and received an education grant to study in Israel, but his father did not allow him to go.

“He later earned a law degree from the Kryvyi Rih Institute of Economics, then a department of Kyiv National Economic University, and now part of Kryvyi Rih National University. Still, He did not go on to work in the legal field.”

Why Pray for Ukraine President Zelensky?


The reason to pray for Ukraine President Zelensky is that the Russian leadership led by Putin is a Satanic force to do evil on earth.

The Russian leadership is following in the tank tracks of the Soviet Union.

No matter how we cut it, Russia’s leadership intent is evil towards Ukraine.

Russia’s military surrounded the Ukraine borders and started a war against Ukraine on 24 February 2022. Russian tanks crossed the Ukraine border on that day. They destroyed millions of Ukrainian people’s lives. In addition, 2.5 million war evacuees have fled Ukraine into other countries across the border. Furthermore, untold amounts of civil infrastructure and housing were destroyed in Ukraine.  

A Clash Between Forces of Evil and the Forces of Good

The history of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1991 is well documented. Then, it was called an evil empire because of the deeds of the Soviet Union leadership. Before the transition of power, the Bolsheviks undermined the Russian Monarchy for 17 years. They used propaganda, false reports, lies, and every trick they could imagine to generate a people movement that would turn against the Russian Monarchy. The Bolsheviks were anarchist rebels.

They had no desire to submit to the rule of law. Instead, they wanted to rewrite the laws according to Karl Marx’s philosophy, Lenin’s theory, and Stalin’s nationalistic ambitions.

Bolsheviks complained that the Russian Tsar was the primary cause of the Russian losses at World war. As a result, 2.8 to 3.4 million Russians died during 1914-1918. The misery was increased by the loss of morale when Germany got the better of Russia militarily. Casualties would worsen for the Russians when the Bolsheviks started to overthrow the Monarchy, and the civil war erupted.

As a result, 8 million people perished during the Russian civil war from 1917-to 1922. Bolshevik’s anarchy spread like a virus in Russia. It cost more than double the casualties of world war 1, plus 2 million.

Russian people’s lives would get erupted even further when the Soviet Union State atheism was declared in 1922. Life became a living hell for the religious people in Russia. Religion was banned by the Communist totalitarian regime. Religion was banned in the Soviet Union states.

Bibles, along with religion study books confiscated and burned. Believers were imprisoned, tortured, and murdered.

“Throughout the history of the Soviet Union (1917–1991), there were periods when Soviet authorities brutally suppressed and persecuted various forms of Christianity to different extents depending on State interests. Soviet Marxist-Leninist policy consistently advocated the control, suppression, and ultimately, the elimination of religious beliefs, and it actively encouraged the propagation of Marxist-Leninist atheism in the Soviet Union. However, most religions were never officially outlawed.”……………..

“Throughout the history of the Soviet Union (1917–1991), there were periods when Soviet authorities brutally suppressed and persecuted various forms of Christianity to different extents depending on State interests. Soviet Marxist-Leninist policy consistently advocated the control, suppression, and ultimately, the elimination of religious beliefs, and it actively encouraged the propagation of Marxist-Leninist atheism in the Soviet Union. However, most religions were never officially outlawed.”…………..

“The tactics varied over the years and they became more moderate or harsher at different times. Some common tactics included confiscating church property, ridiculing religion, harassing believers, and propagating atheism in the schools.[citation needed] Actions against particular religions, however, were determined by State interests, and most organized religions were never outlawed.”………………….

“Some actions against Orthodox priests and believers included torture, execution or sending them to prison camps, labor camps and mental hospitals. Many Orthodox (along with peoples of other faiths) were also subjected to psychological punishment or torture and mind control experimentation in order to force them to give up their religious convictions (see Punitive psychiatry in the Soviet Union). During the first five years of Soviet power, the Bolsheviks executed 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and over 1,200 Russian Orthodox priests. Many others were imprisoned or exiled.”………………


Not only Religious Repression But Also Political.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008)[6][7] was a Russian novelist. One of the most famous Soviet dissidents, Solzhenitsyn was an outspoken critic of communism and helped to raise global awareness of political repression in the Soviet Union (USSR), in particular the Gulag system.


Why is the Russian Leadership Gone Mad Over Ukraine?

Why would Russian gather 150,000 troops on the border of Ukraine, invade and start a war in 2022?

Is it because the Soviet Union was established in 1922?

Is it a rebound to the Russian’s humiliation that the idolatrous personality cult of Joseph Stalin suffered death in 1991?

The statutes of Stalin were sledgehammered and brought down to the ground by the local people in all of the ex-Soviet Union satellite states after the collapse of the Soviet union in 1991?

Russian Nationalism Has Suffered a Fatal Blow

The arrogance, the pride of Russian Nationalism, was misplaced. Soviet Union State atheism was doomed from the very beginning. Soviet Communists created pseudo communism with arrogant pride; they boasted that there was no God to be seen anywhere on earth.   

Russia is hammering Ukraine because it has relatively a weak military force. Bullies always pick on smaller and weaker individuals to bully.

Russia would not dare to do the same to the USA or NATO. 

Russia would get its butt kicked if they took on the US military or NATO.

Why is Russia Aggressively Attacking Ukraine?

Ruthless bombardments on the civilian areas of Ukraine. 2.5 million civilians have already moved out of Ukraine because of the Russian war. It is cruel for the Russian military to attack civilian areas with scud missiles, rockets, mortars, tanks, and field guns.

It is utter madness of the Russian leadership to do such a thing.

Soviet Union Type of Madness

It was mad hatred for the Bolsheviks to murder the Romanov family in 1918.

Similarly, the actions of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1940 seriously failed moral judgment.

Stalin purged Russia of any political opposition. In 1939 he took part in Nazi Germany and USSR pact of aggression against East Europe and the Nordic countries.

Molotov Ribbentrop pact.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact

1940 the Soviet NKVD secret police executed 22,000 Polish Nationals.

Katyn Forest Massacre. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre

Joseph Stalin evil deeds made him paranoid and schizophrenic.  

Similarly, the Russian leadership with Putin has been paranoid and schizophrenic.

They say that the special Operation in Ukraine is to remove the Nazis from the Ukraine Government.

The so-called Russian “Special Operation” aggressive war against peace in Ukraine violates International law.

It is an irrational operation.

Russian Nationalism from the Soviet Union era has gone to the Russian leadership’s head.

They are defending the Soviet Union’s “Sphere of Influence” in their own imagination.

Soviet Union Sphere of Influence Stinks To The High Heaven Like a Sewerage

Nobody in Europe wants anything to do with the Soviet-Russian sphere of Influence.

Is the Soviet-Russian sphere of Influence driving a tank over a senior citizen’s motor vehicle?

Kidnapping the mayor of Mariupol, is that the Soviet-Russian sphere of Influence?

Bombing a children’s hospital,  blowing up airport fuel depots, and taking over the nuclear power plants, is that the Soviet-Russian sphere of Influence? Yes, it is.

Soviet-Russian sphere of Influence is like a disease that nobody in their right mind wants to have anything to do with it.  

Russian leadership does not know how to accept that no means no.

They have arrogant nationalistic pride in the dead Soviet system. And they are too cocky and bad losers to accept the defeat of the Soviet Union worldview.

There is a better way.

The Root Problem of the Russian Bolsheviks Worldview

The root problem of the Russian Bolsheviks worldview was the Karl Marx atheism.

The premise was utterly erroneous. To build a worldview without the Creator of Life will end up in disaster.

It was a failure from the start in 1922.

It will not be resurrected in 2022.

God Forbid It.

Isaiah 42:8  Complete Jewish Bible

“I am Adonai; that is my name.

I yield my glory to no one else, nor my praise to any idol.”………..

Pray that the Russian 2022 Invasion/War against Ukraine will end up in Russian disaster.

  • Pray that the Creator of Life will honor His word over evildoers.

The idolatry of the Soviet Union’s Nationalism. Russian leadership to make war against peace is a grievous sin and an abomination.

  • Pray that the Creator of Life will punish the Russian military troops in Ukraine.

To turn the weather against the Russian military forces in every way imaginable. Truth and peace are on the side of the Ukrainian people.

  • Pray that the Creator of Life will intervene with spiritual angels to take out their swords and push the Russian troops back over the border where they belong.

Also, true justice to bring a swift end to the evil Russian Putin leadership. They are a disgrace to the Russian peace loving people.